We have collected information about Sap Bapi Po Change Delivery Date for you. Follow the links to find out details on Sap Bapi Po Change Delivery Date.
I have a problem with bapi_po_change. Requirement is extending delivery date one day further for all the line items. But the problem is only for PO's with type = FO i.e framework order its not working fine i.e delivery date is not updating in the PO, but for PO's having type other than FO like NB etc its working ok.4/5
ABAP SAP Consultant needs help regarding u201CProblem with delivery date in BAPI_PO_CHANGE u201C. Hi experts, Iu2019ve been reading lots of posts about this Issue but I wasnu2019t able to solve my Problem.. I need to change the delivery date of a PO, first of all I tried with a batch input but I got some problems..
You are not able to set Delivery Date and Quantity Fixed indicator in purchase order when using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 / BAPI_PO_CHANGE . SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview ... You are not able to set Delivery Date and Quantity Fixed indicator in purchase order when using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 / BAPI_PO_CHANGE. Read more... Environment. Materials ...
You cannot change delivery date by using mass option,make a seprate BDC program for the same or use below bapi to update the same. Execute BAPI "BAPI_PO_CHANGE". from SE37 And Check Parameters - POSCHEDULE and POSCHEDULEX
When creating or changing a purchase order by BAPI_PO_CREATE1 / BAPI_PO_CHANGE system returns the error ME078 "Deliv. date outside period covered by factory calendar &".
Dear Experts, I have a requirement to have a report to see PO Change History (esp. Delivery Date). Our operation is facing problems with the vendors' delayed deliveries. Hence, our management would like to implement penalty system for these delays. At the moment, our current practice is to update the Delivery Date in the Line Item whenever our...
Jul 17, 2013 · To update Delivery document header with BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE. Through enhancement for those fields which are not available to pass into BAPI parameter. About the Domain. SAP ABAP/SD module can use this document. This will help them to update Delivery . Header information through BAPI’s Enhancement.
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