Royal Oak Music Theatre Hours

We collected information about Royal Oak Music Theatre Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Royal Oak Music Theatre Hours.

Venue Info Royal Oak Music Theatre
    Box Office Information. The box office can be reached at (248) 399-2980 ext. 3 or by emailing [email protected]. Regular box office hours are Wednesday, …

Ticketing Information Royal Oak Music Theatre
    The Royal Oak Music Theatre Box Office is open Wednesday thru Saturday, Noon to 6pm. On event days, the box office will open two hours before the door time and will stay open at least one hour after doors. Box office hours are subject to change due to holidays, early shows, and special circumstances.

Tickets Royal Oak Music Theatre
    The Royal Oak Music Theatre Office is open Wednesday thru Saturday, Noon to 6pm. On event days, the box office will be open a minimum of 2 hours before doors, and stay open at least 1 hour after doors. *Box office hours are subject to change to accommodate special circumstances and early shows.

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