Roseburg Dhs Office Hours

We collected information about Roseburg Dhs Office Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Roseburg Dhs Office Hours.

Roseburg DHS Office Roseburg, OR Social Services Office ...
    2020-06-09 11:37:19. I received $16.00 on June 6 2020, I have $.27 that is not enough food stamp money for a month. You need to give me my food stamps back into my account.

Douglas County Roseburg DHS Self-Sufficiency Office ...
    Roseburg, OR - 97471 (541) 440-3301 Financial Help Provided: Food benefits (SNAP), Cash for families (TANF), Child care assistance, Refugee services Full Description: This is the Douglas County Roseburg DHS Self-Sufficiency Office Roseburg DHS Self-Sufficiency Office. They provide help with Food benefits (SNAP), Cash for families (TANF), Child care assistance, Refugee services.

Roseburg DHS Office Food Stamps Office
    Address. Roseburg DHS Office Food Stamps Office. 738 W Harvard Ave Ste 160. Roseburg, Oregon, 97471.Estimated Reading Time: 1 min

Roseburg DHS Office in Roseburg, OR - Food Stamp Office
    Food Assistance Information: 503-945-5600. Phone: 541-440-3301. Phone: 541-440-3301. This is the Roseburg DHS Office located in Roseburg, OR. Most states offer the ability to apply for food assistance program online or in-person at local county offices. Find out more information about applying for food assistance by visiting your states website.

Roseburg DHS Self-Sufficiency Office Welfare Office at 738 ...
    TANF Office Location. Roseburg DHS Self-Sufficiency Office. 738 W Harvard Ave Suite 160. Roseburg, OR 97471. TANF Phone Number. You can also fax them at 541-673-9742. TANF Program. The name of this state TANF program is Oregon Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. The department that administrates it is the Department of Human Services.

State of Oregon: Local Offices - Seniors & People with ...
    78 rows · Apply for and update information about benefits: , 1-800-699-9075 (711 TTY) Call a …

Roseburg OR DCF Offices
    Roseburg DHS Office see details for office hours. 738 W Harvard Ave Suite 160 Roseburg, OR - 97471 Phone: (541) 440-3301 Fax: (541) 673-9742. Office Details

State of Oregon: Local Offices - Child Welfare Offices
    46 rows · Apply for and update information about benefits: , 1-800-699-9075 (711 TTY) Call a …

State of Oregon: Local Offices - Local Offices
    How you can get help without coming into an office: Apply for and update information about benefits: , 1-800-699-9075 (711 TTY) Call a local office. Dial 2-1-1 or Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) at 1-855-673-2372. Call 1-855-503-SAFE (7233) if you suspect an adult at risk or child is being neglected or harmed.

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