We collected information about Rose City Organ Builders Inc Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Rose City Organ Builders Inc Hours.
Rose City Organ Builders Inc for address, phone, website and other contact information Phone number 5032888494 .. The address is 2813 NE 58th Ave,Portland,Oregon,97213,US in the Home Builders sector.Location : 45.5428675831117,-122.603865937242 (navigation code to find Rose City Organ Builders Inc)
Rose City Organ Builders Inc . On this page you can find comprehensive information about Establishment, electronics store and home goods store Rose City Organ Builders Inc at 2813 Northeast 58th Avenue in Portland, OR: opening hours, contacts, reviews and other information.
Rose City Organ Builders is located at 2813 NE 58th Ave, Portland, OR 97213. Rose City Organ Builders can be contacted at (503) 288-8494. Get Rose City Organ Builders reviews, ratings, business hours, phone numbers, and directions.
12/14/2018 First Presbyterian Vancouver, Washington - Rose City Organ Builders Inc. The 1983 Van Zoeren pipe organ at First Presbyterian in Vancouver, Washington was experiencing problems with the original relay system, causing multiple issues with keying and stop functions.
Website: rosecityorgans.com; Address: 2813 NE 58th Ave, Portland, OR 97213; Cross Streets: Near the intersection of NE 58th Ave and NE Sandy Blvd; Phone: (503) 288-8494Category: Musical Instruments, Home Builder
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