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Ringing Cedars Press PO Box 13937 South Lake Tahoe CA 96151 USA When ordering by mail, you can pay by credit card, personal or cashier's check (in US dollars, drawn on a US bank) or money order (issued by a US or a Canadian bank or organization in US dollars). Allow 2 weeks (US) or 4 …
Ringing Cedars Press PO Box 13937 South Lake Tahoe CA 96151 USA Please include a daytime phone number in case we can't process your order. Fax. To place your order by fax print and fill in this Order Form. Fax your completed order form to: +1 (888) 390-7742 Please include a daytime phone number in case we can't process your order. ...
Ringing Cedars Press North America 2360 Corporate Circle, Suite 400, Henderson, Nevada 89074-7722 USA Mailing Address Ringing Cedars Press PO Box 13937 South Lake Tahoe CA 96151 USA Disclaimer. The USA Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any of the information and advice contained in these books.
A remarkable, gripping true story!. Megré, a Siberian riverboat trader, describes his discovery of Anastasia in 1995 while he was plying the waters of the remote Ob River on a strange quest to find the mysterious "Ringing Cedars" – ancient trees that over the course of 550 years had reportedly accumulated so much energy through their pine-needle, antenna-like leaves, they had begun to ...
The new English edition published by Ringing Cedars Press is an even more potent translation, benefiting from a much deeper understanding of Anastasia's intent, gained over the 3-year translation process. The text of Book 1, Anastasia, for example, has had over 500 subtle changes made to …
The Author's Story. Vladimir Megré, born in 1950, was a well-known entrepreneur from the Siberian city of Novosibirsk. In 1994, during a stop on a trading trip along the mighty Ob River, a Siberian elder told Vladimir Megré about the existence of "ringing cedars" – sacred trees which can heal bodily diseases and elevate the human spirit. The elder told him of such a cedar growing in the Sibe
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