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Investor Type Private Equity Firm. Number of Exits 6. Phone Number 214 780 0531. Ridgemont Equity Partners is a private equity firm specialized in middle-market buyout and growth equity investments. It is focused on providing its services to the basic industries and services, energy, healthcare, technology, telecommunications, and media sectors. Founded in 1993, Ridgemont Equity Partners is based in …Founded: 1993
Aug 03, 2021 · About Ridgemont Equity Partners Ridgemont Equity Partners is a Charlotte-based middle market buyout and growth equity investor. Since 1993, the principals of Ridgemont have invested over $5.5 billion.
Feb 18, 2013 · 717. Feb 19, 2013 - 11:43am. Carousel Capital, Frontier Capital, Pamlico, CapitalSouth, Falfurrias Capital (Hugh McColl's PE firm), Summit Park, Colville Capital, BB &T Capital Partners, Plexus, Ridgemont Equity Partners. There are probably more, but those are the ones I have heard of/know people at. Toughest PE Interview Questions.
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