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ReZoom IOL Lens Implant ReZoom® Multifocal Intraocular Lens. ReZoom® is an intraocular multifocal lens offering a full range of vision. It is intended for patients with or without cataracts who are interested in decreasing or even eliminating their dependency on glasses and contact lenses. The goal of the Rezoom IOL is to provide quality vision at all distances - near (reading), intermediate ...
ReZOOM™ Multifocal Lens. Until recently, patients undergoing cataract surgery received a monofocal, or single focus Intraocular lens (IOL). Monofocal IOLs implanted in both eyes generally provide excellent distance vision, but patients often need eyeglasses for near and intermediate vision. In the late 1990s, Advanced Medical Optics (AMO ...
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For ReZoom™ and ReSTOR® lens implants in St. Louis, as well as Visian ICL™ implantable contact lenses, turn to Mulqueeny Eye Centers. We offer these and other exciting eye care technologies, including the ALLEGRETTO WAVE® EYE-Q laser with WaveFront Optimized™ technology for Custom LASIK vision correction.
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