We collected information about Revolut Trading Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Revolut Trading Hours.
Orders to buy or sell will only execute during market hours. However Out of Hours, Limit and Stop Orders can be placed and queued at any time but will only be executed during market hours and when the conditions of the order are met. For US stocks, the largest marketplaces are the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ (based in New York City) which have normal trading hours of 9:30a.m. to 4.00p.m (Eastern Standard Time), …
Apr 12, 2018 · Revolut operates from London in GMT and their fx market is in GMT time not New York time. As the FX markets are illiquid (with no price) between Friday 5pm New York and Monday 7am Auckland, then nobody can get a tradable price, not even Revolut.
May 25, 2021 · They have regular trading hours of 9:30 am to 4 pm Eastern Standard Time (1:30 pm to 8 pm GMT). You can trade as usual during these hours. You can trade as usual during these hours. Out of Hours, Limit and Stop Orders can be placed at any time but will only be executed during market hours and when the conditions of the order are met.
Trading stocks. What’s available to trade? When can I trade? Can I use leverage to trade? What is a fractional share? Can I buy only a fraction of a share? How is the portfolio value calculated? Do I see real-time security prices? What fees will I be charged for my trading?
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