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When the VMSC/SGSN indicates a Short Message delivery failure, the SMSC may send a message to the HLR, using the MAP_REPORT_SM_DELIVERY_STATUS procedure, indicating the reason for the delivery failure and requesting that the SMSC be put on a list of service centres wanting to be notified when the destination party becomes available again.
The Report-SM-Delivery-Status-Request (RDR) command is sent from SMS-GMSC or IP-SM-GW to HSS.
The delivery reports are sent to the client using the 'deliver_sm' packet. This is the same packet as used to deliver incoming messages. To detect whether a 'deliver_sm' is a delivery report or a message, you have to check the 'esm_class' field. If bit 2 of this byte is set ( 0x04 ), it is a delivery report.
The MAP-REPORT-SM-DELIVERY-STATUS service is used to set the Message Waiting Data into the HLR or to inform the HLR of successful SM transfer after polling. This service is invoked by the gateway MSC or the external Short Message Gateway (IP-SM-GW). reportSM-DeliveryStatus is a consumer invoke. gprsSupportIndicator is set only if the SMS-GMSC ...
SMS Delivery Reports using GSM Modems SMS Delivery Reports Introduction. Like most cell phones, GSM modems are able to check the delivery of a SMS message using delivery reports. If this option has been turned on, you will receive a delivery report for every message that was sent with the 'request delivery report' flag turned on.
97 rows · View a list of delivery status codes from Karix (mGage India). In case of an SMS delivery …
An SMS delivery report (or "delivery receipt') is a message from your SMS server (known in the industry as an SMSC, or Short Message Service Centre) that tells you that the SMS message you sent was delivered to the phone of the recipient. When you...
Aug 03, 2007 · The TP-SRI.. does not request a deliver-report.. rather a status-report which is different. A SMS-STATUS-REPORT is the message sent from SMSC to mobile as part of a final confirmation of delivery of a registered message. As taken from 23.040 spec:
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