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To make sure you continue to receive PipTix offers, please complete the form below to let us know of any changes in your contact information. If you are not a member of our website yet, click here to sign up! This will allow you to view our upcoming events and purchase tickets online.
Event Code: * This can be found on your the paper or emailed order form for your group. This code is only valid for ordering through this website. First Name *; Last Name *; Address *; Apt./Suite/Unit: Town/City *; State *
Hi. We’re PipTix ®, and we are passionate about working with the arts and entertainment community that thrives in the New York area.PipTix ® was started for two reasons: to provide discounted tickets to New Yorkers that love the community as much as we do but can’t afford the steep prices, and to work with producers and performers that live to share their creations and skills with the world.
Address. PipTix ® P.O. Box 1941 New York, NY 10156. © PipTix 2021 Storefront designed by WooThemes. Menu
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