We collected information about Parnell Library Auckland Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Parnell Library Auckland Hours.
Across our libraries we have language collections, consisting of books, music CDs, and magazines in more than 30 languages. Some language collections move around the different libraries. If you don’t find what you’re looking for at an individual library, check the catalogue links below to see what is available, and where.
Parnell Library. Community Center, Public Centers & Facilities. 545 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland, 1052, New Zealand. Click here to call us. Visit Our Website. About Us. Our boutique library is housed in Parnell’s historic Jubilee Building, the former home of the Blind Foundation. …Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Find a library near you or anywhere in Auckland. See opening hours and Justice of the Peace hours, and services offered including printing, computer use, WiFi and language collections.
Parnell Library - Address Contact and Directions, Auckland Opening Hours Phone, Email, Website, Library, Parnell Library is located in the beautiful Jubilee Building. This page is a …
4 reviews of Parnell Library "Bordered on the museum side of Auckland Domain, Parnell Library shares an old two story building with the Parnell Community Centre. One of my old studying sanctuaries. With a house filled with rambunctious students, peace and quiet was often hard to find. My first attempt was the Uni Library, but for whatever reason it was not a space in which I could focus.4.5/5(4)
Sep 30, 2017 · Your library from home Access streaming films, online courses, eBooks, eAudiobooks and more from the comfort of home. Find out more
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