We collected information about Pa Dept Of Ed Act 48 Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Pa Dept Of Ed Act 48 Hours.
Act 48 and PERMS. Act 48 of 1999 requires all Pennsylvania educators holding Pennsylvania public school certification (including Instructional I and II, Educational Specialist I and II, Administrative, Supervisory, Letters of Eligibility, and all vocational certificates) to participate …
Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center. Note: Those educators who are NOT affiliated with any PA public school district, should inquire at helpcpsl@pitt.edu or 717-605-0236 as to how they can obtain Act 48 hours for their completion of this Act 126 online course. 3hrs. Online.
Teacher educators who do not yet have a PDE ID can obtain a 7-digit ID number at the PA Department of Education website. How to Report Act 48 Hours to Better Kid Care. Educators are responsible for submitting an Act 48 Request Form to Better Kid Care after receiving their professional development certificate of completion. You only need to ...
BPHP was informed, by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), that they are not authorized to enter Act 48 continuing education credits for courses taken prior to June 8, 2017. They were also informed that they are not authorized to enter Act 48 continuing education credits if a nurse's certification status is "Inactive".
Aug 02, 2018 · Act 48 Act 48 hours are a requirement in Pennsylvania for educators to maintain an active certificate. The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires that persons holding Pennsylvania professional educator certification to complete continuing education requirements every five years to maintain their certificates in active status.
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