Problems During Delivery Baby

We have collected information about Problems During Delivery Baby for you. Follow the links to find out details on Problems During Delivery Baby.

Labor and Delivery Complications - Prolonged Labor, Breech ...
    Also, a baby born before 37 weeks is considered a premature baby who is at risk of complications of prematurity, such as immature lungs, respiratory distress, and digestive problems. Protacted and...

Complications During Pregnancy and Delivery
    Some complications occur during delivery. Even with complications, early detection and prenatal care can reduce any further risk to you and your baby. Some of the most common complications of pregnancy include: high blood pressure. gestational diabetes. preeclampsia. preterm labor. a loss of pregnancy, or miscarriage.Author: Jacquelyn Cafasso

Macrosomia: Symptoms, Causes, and Complications
    Oct 12, 2017 · Macrosomia can cause a difficult delivery, and increase the risks for a cesarean delivery (C-section) and injury to the baby during birth. Babies …Author: Stephanie Watson

Childbirth Problems - MedlinePlus
    Summary Preterm (premature) labor, when labor starts before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. Problems with the umbilical cord. Problems with the position of the baby, such as breech, in which the baby is going to come out feet first. Birth injuries.

Problems at the birth: what's common? -
    Although ventouse delivery can cause your baby to be delivered with a slightly stretched head, this only last for 24 hours and there should be no side-effects. Forceps, instruments that look a little like salad tongs, can also be used to help pull the baby out. Again, they may cause your baby’s head to swell slightly for 24 hours.

Warning signs of health problems after birth March of Dimes
    An episiotomy is a cut made at the opening of the vagina to help let the baby out during birth. A perineal tear is a tear in the perineum, which is the area between the vagina and the rectum. Your perineum may tear naturally during vaginal birth. Pain or burning when you urinate (pee), pain in your lower back or side or needing to pee often.

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