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Jun 26, 2019 · Pro-Rata: Pro rata is the term used to describe a proportionate allocation. It is a method of assigning an amount to a fraction according to its share of the whole. While a pro rata calculation ...Author: Will Kenton
pro rata: Proportionate allocation or distribution of a quantity (such as costs, income, shares, taxes) on the basis of a common factor. For example, profit is generally divided among several stockholders (shareholders) on the basis of the amount of stock (number of shares) held by each. Latin for, according to …
Thereafter, Luminex would be responsible for funding its 30% pro rata share of any capital required to develop and construct a mine at the properties, or a 40% pro rata share if Anglo American does not exercise the right to acquire the additional 10%.
Pro rata definition is - proportionately according to an exactly calculable factor (such as share or liability). ... pro ra· ta \ (ˌ)prō-ˈrā-t ... A Latin term meaning "in proportion," pro rata is a method of allocating fractional amounts of something equally among all parts of a whole. Where interest rates are concerned, the practice of ...
Pro rata Shared or divided according to a ratio or in proportion to participation. Pro Rata Describing a distribution according to some proportion. For example, a salary may be stated as $120,000 per year pro rata. This means that if an employee only works for six months, his/her salary will be $60,000. Likewise, dividends are distributed pro rata ...
Pro-rata payments shall become due on delivery of partial shipments of Goods or partial delivery of Services. spxeurope.com Teilzahlungen werden mit Erbringung der Teillieferungen von Waren oder der anteilige n Erbringung v on Dienstleistungen fällig.
Pro-rata definition, proportionately determined: a pro-rata share of income. See more.
Definition of pro rata rate: The rate for a shorter term than the usual contract period. ... their meanings are very different so keeping them straight is important, as misuse can completely change the meaning of a ... Read more . Jeffrey Glen ... For many businesses it can be a tough process to figure out which postal and delivery service you ...
Pro rata freight. Without express or implied agreement, full freight is payable only on delivery of the cargo. If the ship and/or the cargo is lost freight does not become payable. However, a clause in a charterparty may provide for part (or all) of the freight to be prepaid. This is one use of …
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