Po Delivery Address Table

We have collected information about Po Delivery Address Table for you. Follow the links to find out details on Po Delivery Address Table.

PO Delivery address table - SAP Q&A

    Storage Location is entered in PO.In this case,Storage location's first address will act as delivery address.Get the value of ADRN2 field in Table EKPO,then take it as ref in ADRC table and get the address. Hope it helps... regards, vineet4/5

PO delivery address table? - SAP Q&A

    GET Customer Code from EKPO Table and then determine the Address number from KNA1 Table. 2. If the Context PO is normal Procurement PO (to Store Inventory), then Delivery Address will be your Plant. Get the Address Number from T001W Table and pass it in ADRC to get the Address. 3. If the delivery address is manually modified in PO, then you should pick the Manually Modified Address.2/5

Table for PO delivery address - Tech Community

    When I manually add a delivery address to the PO line the address number is held in the field EKPO-ADRNR. This can then be used as the key in the ADRC table . The key ME02 (delivery address by order) will be found against the ADRC record.

How to Get Delivery Address from Purchase Order - SAP Tutorial

    Mar 03, 2018 · How to Get Delivery Address from Purchase Order. This code you can get Delivery Address for Purchase Order in SAP, It can use for your ABAP Program or Smartforms. Explanation : You can get Address Number from table and field EKPO-ADRN2 and then get address data from table ADRC-ADDRNUMBER. li_ekpo type table of ekpo with header line.

List Of SAP Purchase Order Tables In SAP MM (SAP PO Tables)

    Nov 15, 2015 · SAP Purchase Order Tables: Main PO tables in SAP MM – SAP PO Tables. Nov 15, 2015 by John in SAP SD & SAP MM. In this post, you will find the main SAP Purchase Order Tables for header, item and historical. As well as, all relevant SAP tables related to Purchasing process.

Default Delivery Address determination - Supplier ...

    Jun 21, 2017 · (Technical background: it has valid entry in table HRP1001). User is assigned to a Company. User has the desired Address Number maintained in Delivery Address attribute (ADDR_SHIPT). (In case of using Individual Ship-To Address, this is not necessary.) BP customizing. Execute transaction BP and display the previously checked Business Partner number. Here verify the …

Table holding Delivery shipping/billing address ...

    Feb 18, 2012 · All, Which table holds the shipping and billing addresses for a delivery? In my query below, I have retrieved the shipping / billing address attached to the order line referenced on any one of the delivery detail lines. But there are multiple delivery detail lines on any delivery, and they may reference order lines from different orders.

SAP Delivery Tables & SAP Shipment Tables In SAP SD

    Mar 29, 2017 · The Shipment delivery data is in table VTTP. Shipment stage data is in table VTTS . The link from delivery to shipment is table VBFA with VBELV = the delivery number and VBTYP_N = 8.

Oracle Apps Purchasing (PO) Key Tables and their ...

    Sep 25, 2017 · Oracle Purchasing Key Tables and their functionalities PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL stores information about requisition headers. You need one row for each requisition header you create. Each row contains the requisition number, preparer, status, and description.

ME23N > Line Item > Delivery Address Tab

    Nov 18, 2010 · In me23 you can find the delivery address resides, in this instance: Go to me23n->item level click on delivery address->keep cursor over the address field and press f1-> you will get Performance Assistance screen -> click on technical information -> u will get below screen about what table and field information too.

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