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Hello c-section mamas! Just wondering when your c-section date is compared to your due date. I'm a STM that will have to have another c-section and will be scheduling my date tomorrow. I think my doctor likes to go only about one week prior to the due date. But I've seen some on here as early as two?...
Pros of having a c-section by choice: Predictability. Knowing the date your baby will be born can give you time to plan for work leave, family help, and other post-baby needs. However, it's possible you could go into labor before your scheduled c-section date, and recovery from this major surgery could take more time than you anticipate.
Jan 07, 2009 · More than a third of babies born by planned, repeat C-section in the U.S. are delivered before 39 weeks gestation, and these babies are at increased risk for birth-related health problems as a ...Author: Salynn Boyles
Jun 20, 2019 · There are a number of reasons why a scheduled cesarean section (c-section) may be needed, including pregnancy problems, multiple births, and delivery complications. If there are medical reasons for a c-section, certain factors will be considered to determine the best time to do so.
Is a Planned C-Section Right for Me? Articles On Cesarean Section (C-Section) ... Some healthy women want the surgery so they can pick their delivery date or avoid a vaginal delivery. Those aren't ...Author: Joanne Barker
Women who have had previous C-sections will often have a planned C-section. One of the advantages of a planned C-section is the assurance that you will be at the hospital during peak hours, when a full staff is working. The risks of a planned C-section are also lower than those of an emergency operation.Author: Melissa Jeffries
Many moms say one of the best parts of having a planned Cesarean section birth — C-section for short — is knowing exactly when their baby will be born. Whether you are planning a scheduled C-section for health or personal reasons, you can work with your doctors' office to decide when you'd like your baby's birthday to be.The date you choose will vary depending on your specific ...
May 13, 2019 · A C-section, or cesarean section, is the surgical delivery of a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus. It's typically only recommended in medically necessary cases, including in some high-risk pregnancies and when the baby is in the breech position and …
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