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Jan 06, 2020 · First Period After C-Section And Tubal Ligation. Tubal ligation (tying of the fallopian tubes to prevent future pregnancies) after the C-section does not affect your first period. The period might be heavy, but that is nothing to worry about . If you are sure of having a tubal ligation after the current pregnancy, then you may consider having ...
Jul 07, 2017 · After you deliver a baby, you may experience bloody discharge for 4 to 6 weeks after delivery, which should not be confused with your period. The first week after giving a c-section delivery, you will experience heavy bleeding, which is perfectly normal and will lessen.
After a c-section birth, you'll probably feel both euphoric about and overwhelmed by the new person in your arms, just like any new mother. But you'll also be recovering from major abdominal surgery while dealing with typical postpartum issues such as engorged breasts, mood swings, and vaginal discharge.. C-section patients typically stay in the hospital for two to four days before going home.
May 23, 2017 · First Period After C-Section Can Be Bright Red In Color. It is quite normal to have first period bright red in color. This is because the blood is relatively formed fresh after the uterine tissue is cleared out during the procedure of C-section.
Get the facts on your first period after pregnancy. Learn how your menstrual cycle will be different postpartum, when it might return, how It might be affected by breastfeeding, and more.Author: Chaunie Brusie
Jul 08, 2019 · When Does the Menstrual Cycle Resume After a C-Section? How long you need to wait for your first period after a C-section primarily depends on your hormones. Post-delivery, hCG, oestrogen and progesterone levels tend to be on the lower side. Breastfeeding is another determining factor.
When will I get my first period after a C-section? Having a C-section or vaginal delivery does not impact how quickly your period will return. What does affect menstruation, however, is whether ...
This is all based on your hormones and your period after c section will return in the same amount of time as if you had a vaginal delivery. While a c section could make your first period a bit different at first, it will eventually return to your pre pregnancy state.
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