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If this is the case, these may be used in lieu of the acceptable data sources listed below. If the number for parity documented in the EHR includes the delivery for the current hospitalization, parity should be answered as one number less than the number documented. If primagravida is documented select zero for parity.
In order to understand the basics we have to understand two important obstetric terms: gravity and parity. Gravity refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant. Parity refers to how many times the woman has given birth to an infant older than 20 weeks gestational age, or weighing greater than 500 grams.
abbreviated as parity/gravidity. For example, "0/1" means that a woman has not carried. a pregnancy to viability (nullipara) and is pregnant for the first time (primigravida). Table 3-1 below shows parity and gravidity using a five-digit system: Table 3-1.
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