We have collected information about Parcel Motel Delivery Address Northern Ireland for you. Follow the links to find out details on Parcel Motel Delivery Address Northern Ireland.
Direct delivery to an address of your choice. Prefer to have your parcels delivered directly to your home or work address? That’s no problem. We’re delighted to introduce our new Address Delivery service. So now, instead of picking up at a Parcel Motel locker, you can have your parcels delivered directly to any address in Ireland or Northern Ireland.
Parcel Motel offers a 'virtual address' that allows you to manage your online shopping deliveries easily. Combined with convenient collection and drop-off locations, Parcel Motel is the perfect delivery solution offering you flexibility and value for money.
Created by Nightline, Parcel Motel is a network of state-of-the-art self-service parcel terminals located across the country – making online shopping simpler for purchaser and retailer. We also provide our customers with a unique virtual UK address to allow them to avail of the often reduced or free delivery charges that many UK retailers ...
We’d like to send you information and special offers about Parcel Motel and our service, please tick here if you are happy for us to send these to you. Would you like free stuff? We’d like to send you free stuff from our specially selected partners, please tick this box if …
By using their Northern Ireland address for your online orders you can take advantage of cheaper or even free UK delivery and lower sterling prices. Parcel Motel will then forward the delivery to one of their lockers which are located in shops and garages in most main cities and towns in Ireland.
Customers in Ireland use Parcel Motel when buying from the UK. A lot of UK companies wont deliver to Ireland, so the good is delivered to Parcel Motel in Belfast then redelivered to Ireland. Also Parcel Motel allow you to pick up a good from a specified location, like a petrol station, where there are lockers and you need a code to pick up the ...
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Just a quick point about Parcel Motel, yes they are in Northern Ireland and they forward to their customers in Southern Ireland. If customer gets there order and has a problem, say they receive faulty item, who covers return costs from customer in Southern Ireland to you, we all know that this cost will be a lot more from Southern Ireland to ...
Apr 19, 2015 · Parcel Motel are part of a courier company who offer a service allowing Irish consumers to shop with British companies, by giving them a domestic UK address, in Northern Ireland, which is on the same landmass as the Republic Of Ireland.
Costs a few cents less than Parcel Wizard per package, though. One thing to note is that An Post's UK address is in England (just outside London), not in Northern Ireland like DPD and Parcel Motel, so that might make them a good option if you have a seller that won't deliver to NI, or charges a higher shipping fee for NI deliveries.
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