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high and low redshift objects: if only quasars with redshifts within the observed range for BL Lacertae objects for which speeds have been measured (z < 0.8) are considered, the difference between the BL Lacertae object and quasar speed histograms persists (also with >99% confidence). If it is assumed that the origin for the (usually) superluminal
473 variations in the output of quasars within a few. This preview shows page 36 - 39 out of 44 pages. 473) Variations in the output of quasars within a few hours are an indication: of the relatively small size of the emitting regions. 474) A BL Lacertae object is a (n): active galactic nucleus. 475) Most quasars produce their strongest ...
The BL Lacertae object AO 0235+164 is active in most wavelengths. The amplitude of its variability is about 3–4 and up to 100 times its quiescent flux density in radio and optical wavelengths respectively. The timescale of its variability ranges from months at low frequencies to …
BL Lac objects could underlie quasars, which exhibit line and thermal continuum emission at ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared wavelengths due to the presence of circumnuclear gas and dust.
radio-quiet quasars), and explore how our sample fits into the overall understanding of the blazar class. Our probable BL Lac candidates are not a complete sample but are more numerous than any previous sample of BL Lac objects of which we are aware and represent a significant addition to the 400 previ-ously known BL Lac objects.
Apr 03, 2019 · Blazars are also called BL Lacertae objects after BL Lacertae, one of the first of its class discovered. The Hubble Space Telescope image at left shows the brilliant quasar 3C 273 in Virgo and one of its long, snaking jets.
May 01, 1999 · The BL Lacertae population is set apart from the rest of the active galactic nuclei by a number of peculiar features, including remarkably little signs of cosmological evolution. We focus on this feature and take a hint from the observations to reconsider the extraction of the primary energy from a Kerr hole via the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) process; in fact, we stress how this can power the ...Cited by: 15
PHOTOMETRY OF STARS IN BL LAC/QUASAR FIELDS 1165 1998 PASP, 110:1164–1171 TABLE 1 Positions and Redshifts of Selected BL Lacertae Objects and Quasars Object Other Name R.A. (J2000) Decl. (J2000) z Typea 3C 66A ..... 02 22 39.6 143 02 08 0.444b BL Lac CTA 26 ..... PKS 03362019 03 39 30.9 201 46 35 0.852 HPQ
Feb 25, 2015 · A very few are brighter than magnitude +14, about the brightness of Pluto. ... A Catalogue of Bright Quasars and BL Lacertae Objects. ... 20 hours ago. 0.
Jul 01, 2019 · Quasars, short for quasi-stellar objects, were first identified in 1962 by Maarten Schmidt at the California Institute of Technology. ... clearly lies within a galaxy. ... BL Lacertae objects, and ...
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