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At participating locations, choose our delivery service. Simply order and pay online, choose a time and we'll deliver your meal to the location you specify. Please note: Minimum order of $5 required for delivery, exclusive of taxes and delivery charges that may apply. Our delivery charge is not a tip or gratuity provided to the driver.
Minimum order of $15 required for delivery, exclusive of taxes and delivery charges that may apply. Maximum delivery fee discount per order is $15.00. Our delivery charge is not a tip or gratuity provided to the driver. Tracking available only in participating bakery-cafes that offer delivery.
We are Panera Bread and we believe that good food can bring out the best in all of us. Clean food served in a warm, welcoming environment, by people who care. Panera Bread
Once you've filled your bag with yummy food and set your delivery time, pay and check out in seconds. Get food delivery and eat After Panera Bread confirms your order, sit back and wait for delivery of your food - and when it arrives, dig in.
Order breakfast, lunch or dinner for a crowd with Panera Bread Catering! We offer catering delivery for large orders and group catering purchases. Enable JavaScript to view this web page.
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