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Please complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you to help you with your query. If you prefer to talk to one of our Client Care Team then call 1-800-406-5582 during business hours. We are committed to ensuring that all Niagara customers receive the most enjoyable experience during all stages of th
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Niagarassage Bed or Chair. However, if you are unfortunate enough tosuffer from a condition or disability such as back pain, arthritis,rheumatism or poor circulation, the features built into our adjustable electric beds and chairs can bring relief, rest and relaxation. more...
6. Decreasing the over-all sense of fatigue after long hours of work (when used at high speeds) The Niagarassage Cyclo Massage Hand Unit with cycloid vibration is a small, portable, highly efficient device. It can be used over the entire body.
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