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In the absence of prior agreement by the Ranch, if not vacated by that time the Ranch reserves the right to charge levy additional charges equal to 50% of the daily base occupancy rate (plus applicable taxes) for the additional use of the accommodations until 3:00 p.m. and 100% after 3:00 p.m. - "Quiet hours" are from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.5/5(1)
N A N Ranch. 260 likes · 69 were here. Historic NAN Ranch evinces the human drive to cultivate a bountiful and harmonious living in the valley of the Mimbres, fragile sanctuary in the desert.Followers: 266
About NAN Ranch Cattle Company, LLC. The Y-Bar NAN Ranch's owners are the Burford and Lang families, descendants of Bill and Clara Hinton, who operated the ranch from 1949 until their passing in the 1980s. Though we were raised away from the ranch and have worked "city" jobs, we call the ranch home, and want to share its wonders with our guests.
NAN Ranch Chauffeur's Quarters is a 2-bedroom apartment with one king and one queen bed, full kitchen, living room, vintage-style bath, and big cedar deck overlooking the ranch headquarters and mountains beyond. On the ranch, enjoy solitude or follow ranch roads to canyons, cliffs, hilltops, or to the tree-lined Mimbres River.
The Collections. Western New Mexico University Museum is the home of the NAN Ranch Collection—the largest and most complete collection of Mimbres materials in existence from a single prehistoric Mimbres site, and the largest and most comprehensive permanent interpretative exhibition of Mimbres pottery and artifacts in the world.
NAN Ranch's owners welcome your visit yet respect your privacy. The space The cabin offers easy and carefree comfort with rustic ambience. Its bath, kitchen, and 2nd bedroom have polished concrete floors, and another bedroom, with bare wood floors, features a screen door right next to the spring pipe filling the NAN's historic acequia.
Specialties: The Western New Mexico University Museum, located in Fleming Hall on the university campus, houses the NAN Ranch Collection--the largest, most comprehensive collection of scientifically excavated prehistoric Mimbres materials from a single Mimbres site. Museum is currently closed to the public Limited Preview July 20, 1-4 p.m. Other collections include the Eisele Collection of ...28 Yelp reviews
About NAN Ranch Cattle Company, LLC. The Y-Bar NAN Ranch's owners are the Burford and Lang families, descendants of Bill and Clara Hinton, who operated the ranch from 1949 until their passing in the 1980s. Though we were raised away from the ranch and have worked "city" jobs, we call the ranch home, and want to share its wonders with our guests.
The 2018 ride will be held on the historic NAN Ranch near Silver City, New Mexico. The 45,000+ acre ranch is situated in the high desert along the Mimbres River. The terrain ranges in elevation from 5100’ to 6400’ and features deep canyons, riparian areas, river crossings, sandy washes, two-track roads, and hills of varying steepness.
THE NAN RANCH At the NAN Headquarters your home at our home may range from the humble Bunkhouse Cabins to the luxurious, exquisitely decorated western bungalow-style Rancher's House and the group-sized Lodge. Visit their website.
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