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Feb 21, 2017 · Making Good money doing a paper route Newspaper Delivery VlogsBy Cali. ... Interview with Local Newspaper Delivery person Ron Matthews ... claim they're not getting customer tips - Duration ...Author: VlogsBy Cali
Determine how much to tip your newspaper carrier during the winter holiday season. According to CNN Money, tip your newspaper carrier about $10 if you only get the weekend paper and about $25 to $30 if you get the paper everyday. However, if you tip all year, a smaller tip--such as double the regular monthly tip--would be OK.
The Proper Tip for a Newspaper Carrier. By Bob Levey. October 19, 1999 ... How much is enough when it comes time to tip your newspaper carrier? ... he tips, in one lump, in December. ...
Hi, I'm starting a paper round soon, any tips or tricks? NM. Around here If it is for a local paper you can get a paper trolley from your distributer, if they don't supply one then get hold of one or build one, belive me it makes a real difference especially when you have loads of leaflets to go in the papers.
Like many other newspaper delivery drivers, Juliani works 365 days a year and gets no vacation, overtime pay, or workers' compensation. He said he has not taken a day off in six years.
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