We have collected information about National Quality Requirements In The Delivery Of Out-Of-Hours Services 2009 for you. Follow the links to find out details on National Quality Requirements In The Delivery Of Out-Of-Hours Services 2009.
Jan 01, 2009 · National quality requirements 1 for the delivery of out-of-hours services set explicit standards for service provision across 13 domains. Patients' reports and evaluations of care were examined for only four of these domains, selecting only those areas which could feasibly be included within a questionnaire relating to the direct experiences of ...Author: John Campbell, Martin Roland, Suzanne Richards, Andy Dickens, Michael Greco, Peter Bower
1 The Provision of Out-of-Hours Services in England, London, 2006 2 The Commentary is available at : click on ‘Out-of-Hours’ in the menu on the left-hand side of the page and, in the new page that opens, click on ‘Key Policy Documents’ – scroll down to ‘New quality
The National Quality Requirements. 1. Providers2 must report regularly to PCTs on their compliance with the Quality Requirements. 2. Providers must send details of all OOH consultations (including appropriate clinical information) to the practice where the patient is registered by 8.00 a.m. the next working day.
National Quality Requirements for GP Out of Hours Services (GP OOH) These requirements are designed to ensure that Doctors OOH services are safe, clinically effective and delivered in a way that gives the patient a positive experience.
20/07/06 - National Quality Requirements in the delivery of out-of-hours services This guidance clarifies a number of aspects of particular Quality Requirements (including some important confusions about compliance).
The National Quality Requirements. 1. Providers4 must report regularly to PCTs on their compliance with the Quality Requirements. 2. Providers must send details of all OOH consultations (including appropriate clinical information) to the practice where the patient is registered by 8.00 a.m. the next working day.Learn more
Commissioners should ensure that they include: The national out-of-hours quality requirements – annex 1 The recommendations of the Care Quality Commission – annex 3 The summary of recommendations for PCT and out-of-hours providers – annex 4 The relevant standards for better health – annex 5.File Size: 593KB
Mar 28, 2014 · Primary care out-of-hours services indicators. The purpose of this document is to specify a minimum set of high-level measures or “quality indicators” for primary care out-of-hours services in Scotland. A quality indicator is a measure of an outcome which demonstrates delivery of person-centred, safe and/or effective care, and promotes understanding,...
Our new approach to the inspection of NHS GP out-of-hours services: findings from the first comprehensive inspections 8 The history of NHS GP out-of-hours providers GP out-of-hours services are primary medical services for patients with urgent needs that …
We estimate that out-of-hours GP services in England handled around 5.8 million cases in 2013-14, including 3.3 million face-to-face patient consultations, of which 800,000 were home visits. The Department of Health (the Department) has set national quality requirements which establish minimum standards for all out-of-hours GP services.File Size: 641KB
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