We have collected information about Nasal And Pulmonary Delivery Of Deslorelin A Peptide Drug for you. Follow the links to find out details on Nasal And Pulmonary Delivery Of Deslorelin A Peptide Drug.
A drug delivery route that is less technologically demanding than pulmonary delivery is nasal delivery. By virtue of relatively rapid drug absorption, possible bypassing of presystemic clearance and relative ease of administration, delivery of drug by the nasal route offers an attractive alternative for administering systemically active drugs.
Large-porous deslorelin PLGA particles can sustain deslorelin delivery via the deep lungs. Co-administration of HPbetaCD enhances the systemic delivery of deslorelin. The pulmonary route is useful as a noninvasive alternative for the systemic delivery of deslorelin.
Pulmonary delivery of drug has become an attractive target and of tremendous scientific and biomedical interest in the health care research area as the lung is capable of absorbing pharmaceuticals either for local deposition or for systemic delivery.
Apr 19, 2002 · Pulmonary drug delivery offers several advantages as a route of administration for the treatment of systemic diseases compared with intravenous, oral, buccal, transdermal, vaginal, nasal or ocular administration. The advantages of pulmonary administration are listed in Table 1 [20–23]. Until recently, aerosol drug delivery has been limited to ...Author: N. R. Labiris, M. B. Dolovich
Jun 09, 2012 · ADVANTAGES OF PULMONARY DRUG DELIVERY. : ADVANTAGES OF PULMONARY DRUG DELIVERY . 22-Apr-12 38 It is needle free pulmonary delivery. It requires low and fraction of oral dose. Pulmonary drug delivery having very negligible side effects since rest of body is not exposed to drug. Onset of action is very quick with pulmonary drug delivery.
Apr 20, 2016 · The lungs allow for efficient drug delivery as they have a large surface area and are well vascularized . For example, inhaled nicotine is readily absorbed across the pulmonary epithelia into the bloodstream where it can exert its psychotropic effects on the brain [ 5 ].Author: Robert C. Fellner, Shawn T. Terryah, Robert Tarran
Nasal drug delivery is an attractive approach for the systemic delivery of high potency drugs with a low oral bioavailability due to extensive gastrointestinal breakdown and high hepatic first ...
Jun 28, 2013 · NASAL & PULMONARY DRUG DELEVARY SYSTEM & ITS APPLICATION BY DEBAJYOTI BHATTACHARYA Under guidance of Prof. Sateesha. S.B Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.
Nasal drug delivery system - an overview Article (PDF Available) in International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1(4) · January 2010 with 22,974 Reads How we measure 'reads'
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