We collected information about Myer Highpoint Santa Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Myer Highpoint Santa Hours.
Myer Highpoint. Opening Hours and Address details available. Click and Collect available at selected stores only. Please click through for more information regarding Myer Highpoint.
Myer is Australia's leading retailer, offering the largest and latest national, international and 'exclusive to Myer' brands. With ranges across women's, men's, and children's fashion, as well as accessories, cosmetics, homewares, furniture, electrical goods and much more, Myer is at the forefront in the development of new retail concepts and experiences.
Meet Santa and his Elves, and get your 2020 Christmas photos taken! In our 5 CBD stores, take a trip on the Santaland Express train on your visit to Santa - included with each City store booking (Available in Melbourne City, Brisbane City, Perth City, Adelaide City, Sydney City stores only).
About Myer. Myer is Australia’s largest department store group and has been synonymous with style and fashion for over 100 years. We offer an unrivalled choice in the latest national, international and 'exclusive to Myer' brands across women's, men's, and children's fashion, as well as accessories, cosmetics,..Fri: 9am-9pm
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