We collected information about Mjk Holding Group Llc Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Mjk Holding Group Llc Hours.
The team from MJK Holding was a pleasure to work with and were very professional from start to finish. The communication was consistent, they showed up for the estimate and to complete the work on time and did a great job painting the exterior of our home and fence.
MJK Holding Group, LLC is a business providing services in the field of Floors & Flooring Contractors. The business is located in Doral, Florida, United States. Their telephone number is 1 (954) 560-9818. Find over 27 million businesses in the United States on The Official Yellow Pages Directory website. Find trusted, reliable customer reviews on contractors, restaurants, doctors, movers and more.Location: 1605 NorthWest 82nd Ave, Doral, FL
MJK Holding Group, LLC - Read Reviews Virginia Gardens . Houses (6 days ago) The team from MJK Holding was a pleasure to work with and were very professional from start to finish. The communication was consistent, they showed up for the estimate and to complete the work on time and did a great job painting the exterior of our home and fence.
MJK Contracting & Trading Co. was established officially in 1968 having in fact been trading for several years previously. We operate in diversified business sectors related to construction like, Ready-mix Concrete, Marble & Granite, Carpets Manufacturing, Construction Machinery & Automobiles.
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