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We do not suggest sending the last of your inclusions in case of issues with postal service. For breastmilk, if you would like the rest of your milk sent back please add in note to seller. After 2 weeks of your order being shipped out, your milk will be disregarded, unless stated by customer to hold on to milk for future orders.
Milk Mama Creations. August 5 at 8:34 PM ·. In honor of national breastfeeding week , we are releasing some Mommy&Me sets and will be doing a giveaway!! 🎉🤱. Will be choosing one mama to receive one of the sets below! You can have these made with any keepsake (s), such as:Followers: 55K
Shipping & Returns Milk Mama Creations. If you are not sending inclusions to be added the turn around time will be 3-5 weeks! (DELAYS MAY OCCUR) . If you are sending in inclusion (s) to be added the turn arround time will be 6-12 weeks! (DELAYS MAY OCCUR, ESPECIALLY AROUND HOLIDAYS)
We do not suggest sending the last of your inclusions in case of issues with postal service. For breastmilk, if you would like the rest of your milk sent back please add in note to seller. After 2 weeks of your order being shipped out, your milk will be disregarded, unless stated by customer to hold on to milk for future orders.
Christina Tosi's Milk Bar is an award-winning bakery known for familiar yet unexpected desserts like Milk Bar® Pie, Cereal Milk Soft Serve, and unfrosted layer cakes. Get $15 flat rate shipping online or visit one of our 12 locations. Watch Tosi’s new baking show, Bake Squad, now on Netflix.
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