We collected information about Mahone Funeral Home Ltd Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Mahone Funeral Home Ltd Hours.
Mahone Funeral Home, Funeral home in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, 32 Parish Street, Mahone Bay, NS B0J 2E0 – Hours of Operation & Customer Reviews.City: Mahone Bay, NS
Aug 23, 2021 · You are invited to Her Calling Hours 4 until 6 p.m. on Friday, July 30, at the MAHONEY FUNERAL HOME, 187 Nesmith Street, 978-452-6361. Her Funeral Service will be held at 6 p.m. READ MORE
Mahone Funeral Home. 32 Parish St, Mahone Bay, NS B0J 2E0 Get directions. Mahone Funeral Home has historical roots dating back to 1883. Funeral Homes, Funeral …
Mahone Funeral Home Limited - Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia “Thank you for having such wonderful people working there and taking care of our families. I feel so much better knowing that when someone calls after hours they will be treated with respect, compassion and courtesy.”
Welcome. We are still open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, making sure that those entrusted to our care and the families we serve are receiving uninterrupted service and attention, regardless of the cause of death. Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we even further stepped up our focus on disinfecting and cleaning of all areas of our funeral home.
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