Mpeg-Based Personalized Content Delivery

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(PDF) MPEG-Based Personalized Content Delivery
    Content delivery over the Internet needs to address both the multimedia nature of the content and the capabilities of the diverse client platforms the content is being delivered to.

MPEG-Based Personalized Content Delivery - Infoscience
    MPEG-Based Personalized Content Delivery Steiger, O. ; Marimon, D. ; Ebrahimi, T. In this paper, we present a personalized multimedia content delivery system dealing with both user preferences and terminal/network capabilities.

MPEG-Based Personalized Content Delivery - CORE
    In this paper, we present a personalized multimedia content delivery system dealing with both user preferences and terminal/network capabilities. In order to ease interoperability with third-party applications, content annotation, user preferences handling and terminal/network capabilities description are managed by MPEG 7 and MPEG 21 standards.Author: O. Steiger, D. Marimon and T. Ebrahimi

    MPEG–BASED PERSONALIZED CONTENT DELIVERY Olivier Steiger, Touradj Ebrahimi Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland folivier.steiger, David Marimon Sanju´ an´ Universitat Polyt`ecnica de Catalunya Telecommunication Engineering School E-08034 Barcelona, Spain ABSTRACT

IndexTV: a MPEG-7 based personalized recommendation system ...
    IndexTV: a MPEG-7 based personalized recommendation system for digital TV Abstract: Digital television is a reality, providing new facilities for multimedia content delivery. Due to the large amount of available content from multiple broadcasters, the use of personalized recommendation techniques can help the user in the process of consuming A ...Author: M. Rovira, J. Gonzalez, A. Lopez, J. Mas, A. Puig, J. Fabregat, G. Fernandez

A knowledge-based framework for multimedia adaptation ...
    Apr 01, 2006 · Personalized delivery of multimedia content over the Internet opens new business perspectives for future multimedia applications and thus plays an important role in the ongoing MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 multimedia standardization efforts. Based on these standards, next-generation multimedia services will be able to automatically prepare the digital content before delivery according to the …Author: Dietmar Jannach, Klaus Leopold, Christian Timmerer, Hermann Hellwagner

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