We have collected information about Missguided Delivery Information for you. Follow the links to find out details on Missguided Delivery Information.
Missguided cannot control any customs or import duties applied to your package. USA orders under 800 USD will be shipped DDP (Delivery Duty Paid). This means all relevant import duties and taxes will be included in the product price and the customer should not be subject to further costs.
Standard Delivery Now fully tracked. Orders placed by 2pm using this service will arrive within 4 - 7 working days (working days excludes: Weekends, National & Regional Public Holidays and Bank Holidays). $11.99 or free over $100; Express Delivery Now fully tracked.
Shop ladies fashion at Missguided USA. With hundreds of new styles hitting our shelves every week, there's no better place to shop women's clothes online!
Delivery postcode/zipcode or Email address* * Postcode must match the delivery postcode on this order. You can also enter the email address connected with your Missguided order.
Ireland Standard Delivery Orders placed using this service will usually arrive within 4-5 working days. (working days excludes: Weekend & Bank Holidays). €3.99. Ireland Next Day Order before 1pm (local time) to receive your order the next working day.
Standard Delivery Deliveries take up to 5-7 working days after you place your order (excludes Weekends & Bank Holidays). 6 € Express Delivery Order before 3pm (local time) to receive your order in 2-3 working days. Orders made after 3pm will take an additional working day (working days excludes: Weekend & Bank Holidays). 10 € Next Day Delivery
What’s new? This season, Missguided is the only place to shop new in. With new styles added daily, including all the latest catwalk trends at prices you can afford, it’s time to get more holla for your dollar.
Items must be returned in the original packaging, with the tags still attached. We're unable to accept returns for any pierced jewellery, cosmetics or perfume where the cellophane packaging has been removed, or any underwear or swimwear where the hygiene seal has been removed.
About Missguided Our Brand. Our mission is to empower females globally to be confident in themselves and be who they want to be. Missguided is a bold, straight talking and forward thinking fashion brand inspired by real life that aims to do exactly that.
Shop the latest women's clothes at Missguided and keep your style game strong with the freshest threads landing daily. Shopping is a right, not a luxury.
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