We have collected information about Lbc Package Delivery Days for you. Follow the links to find out details on Lbc Package Delivery Days.
Transit time indicated does not include weekends, holidays, Out of Delivery Zone (ODZ), Customs Issues, and certain postcodes. Some destinations may exceed 5 days. Note: For more details on other country destination delivery rates and transit times, please ask our friendly associates.
Forward your items to an LBC branch and we’ll collect the payment for you upon delivery. After which, LBC will deposit collected payments to your registered bank account within 3 days.
Enter tracking number to track LBC Express shipments and get delivery status online. Contact LBC Express and get REST API docs. ... Embed Track Button to your website for visitors to track packages. Learn about notifications ... See all app. LBC Express Tracking API for developers. Designed for developers to integrate LBC Express tracking ...
Very poor tracking service response. Cannot reach any online services provided. My shipment was much delayed already. That should have reached destination if the 4-5 days as mentioned by LBC staff was followed. Try to provide a working contact numbers. Thanks2.8/5
If undelivered, the status posted in the Track and Trace in the mentioned LBC website is deemed sufficient notice to the shipper and the latter must claim his shipment within thirty (30) days from acceptance, otherwise, LBC shall dispose the same in a manner it sees fit and apply the proceeds, if any, for storage fee from the date of posting of non-delivery until claimed or disposed.
Jul 01, 2011 · Here are the LBC Express rates for the door-to-door delivery of parcels or packages from Luzon to several places in Metro Manila, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and vice-versa.. Under this LBC Express Transpack delivery service, you can send items such as passports, cellphones, gadgets, small appliances, birthday gifts, or other small products that can be placed in small packs.
After the package has been brought to LBC, customer usually receives the package 1 to 3 days after ship out, depending on your location if within the city only. If location is far from the city, sometimes it takes 2-4 days after ship-out
Jun 10, 2008 · If you shipped "cargo" it goes by boat, and that can take anywhere from 30 to 45 days. It also depends on what day you dropped off your box, and in …
LBC Express Inc. 1,067,447 likes · 18,775 talking about this. LBC does more than move boxes, money and parcels. It moves the spaces that keep a country moving. LBC. We like to move it.Followers: 1.1M
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