We collected information about Kt Blue Board Plastering Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Kt Blue Board Plastering Hours.
Working Hours: Mon - Sat 7AM-5PM Sunday CLOSED. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Phone (required) Subject.
Regular Hours. Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 6:30 pm. Location. Located in Southern Nashua, with a 50 mile service area radius. Neighborhoods. West Hollis, Southwest Nashua. Categories. Plastering Contractors, Drywall Contractors, Painting Contractors.
7 rows · 5 reviews of KT Blue Board Plastering "There aren't enough stars to truly explain the work that ...4/5(5)
Call KT Blueboard at (603) 321-4886 with any inquiries concerning blueboard installation, plastering, demolition, water damage repair and more. We are located in Southern New Hampshire and serve customers as far as Boston and surrounding areas.
Regular Hours. Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 6:30 pm. Other Link. http://ktplastering.com. Other Email. Email Business. Categories. Plastering Contractors, Ceilings-Supplies, Repair & …
Auto Services. Pets. Nashua, NH> Special Trade Contractors> Plastering Contractors> KT BLUEBOARD & PLASTERING. KT BLUEBOARD & PLASTERING. MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30 am- 4:00 pm. 13 RoyalCrest Dr. Nashua, NH03060. Map & Directions. 603-321-4886.5/5(1)
KT Blue Board Plastering; Share Print. Business Profile. Business Profile KT Blue Board Plastering. Plastering Contractors. Business Profile. KT Blue Board Plastering. 33 Chestnut Ln. Pelham, NH ...
Be the first to review this business. Nashua, NH 03060. Phone: 603-321-****. 603-321-214886. (click to view the number) Visit Pro's Website. Google+.Location: 15 Norma Drive, Nashua, 03060, NH
KT Blue Board - Nashua NH, Pelham, New Hampshire. 56 likes. Please call Kenny for quotes at 603-321-4886 KT Blue Board specializes in thin coat plaster...
May 24, 2010 · 4-40 hours. •. Intermediate. •. 50-1,500. There are a number of considerations that one should keep in mind when planning to apply plaster to blueboard. Many older homes originally had plaster walls, which provided a durable and beautiful finish to the wall.
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