Kservice Exe Delivery

We have collected information about Kservice Exe Delivery for you. Follow the links to find out details on Kservice Exe Delivery.

KService.exe Windows process - What is it?

    The KService.exe process is part of Delivery Manager Service of Kontiki. Here are further details of KService.exe, and whether it might be a virus or spyware.3.5/5(23)

Is KService.exe safe? How to remove a KService error?

    KService.exe file information KService.exe process in Windows Task Manager. The process known as Delivery Manager Service belongs to software BBC iPlayer Download Manager or Delivery Manager or Kontiki Windows Service Binary or Kontiki ECDN Client or Kontiki Media Manager by Kontiki (www.kontiki.com).. Description: KService.exe is not essential for Windows and will often cause …3.5/5(23)

What KService.exe (Delivery Manager service) does

    What you should know about KService.exe Delivery Manager service. KService.exe is not a Windows system file and is known to frequently cause computer problems. KService.exe is found in a subdirectory of "C:\Program Files".

What is KService.exe ? KService.exe info

    What is KService.exe ? KService.exe doesn't have a product name yet, it also has the following name Delivery Manager or Servizio per Gestore Chiave or Kollective SD ECDN Agent or KService or KCML or Skype Click to Call and it is developed by unknown, it is also developed by Kontiki Inc. ItalStudio S.p.A. Kollective Inc. KODYS Slovensko, s.r.o. ADP DSI.

kservice.exe - What is kservice.exe?

    kservice.exe is a process which belongs to the Delivery Manager Service. This program is non-essential process to the running of the program, but should not be terminated unless suspected to …

KService.exe Windows Prozess - Was ist das?

    KService.exe Datei Info Der KService Prozess im Windows Task-Manager. Der Prozess Delivery Manager Service gehört zur Software BBC iPlayer Download Manager oder Delivery Manager oder Kontiki Windows Service Binary oder Kontiki ECDN Client oder Kontiki Media Manager der Firma Kontiki (www.kontiki.com).. Charakteristik: KService.exe ist für Windows nicht notwendig und macht häufig …3.5/5(23)

Kontiki Delivery Manager - Should I Remove It?

    Kontiki Delivery Manager is a software program developed by Kontiki. During setup, the program creates a startup registration point in Windows in order to automatically start when any user boots the PC. Upon being installed, the software adds a Windows Service which is …

KHost.exe Windows process - What is it?

    khost.exe is a secure data delivery application by Kontiki Inc. which delivers data such as images and files to secure servers for sharing. Installed with Gamespot.com Secure Delivery Charter Guy: it is connected with Download.com and the Secure Download feature. By shutting down Secure Download, KHost.exe terminated itself. mky in maynard3.5/5(44)

Home - Kollective Technology

    Kollective is the leading independent provider of enterprise content delivery networking (ECDN) infrastructure. Kollective’s cloud-based, software-only platform leverages existing network infrastructure to deliver content faster, more reliably, and with less bandwidth.

What is Delivery Manager? - Microsoft Community

    Apr 07, 2020 · You are probably running Kontiki, a peer-to-peer file-sharing service used by TV companies such as the BBC, Sky and Channel 4 to distribute video. Right-click on the Vista Taskbar and select the Task Manager. Check the tabs to see if you are running KService.exe or Khost.exe in the background. Removing the Kontiki software should solve the problem.

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