We collected information about Jessop Wing Visiting Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Jessop Wing Visiting Hours.
Visiting times are as follows: Level 3 postnatal and antenatal wards. 8am to 8pm. (please speak to the nurse in charge if you need flexibility outside of these times as that can often be arranged) Visiting on Labour Ward. To ensure the maintenance of security and privacy for all patients on the Labour Ward there are no visiting hours.
Jessop Wing . The Jessop Wing opened in 2001 and is a purpose built maternity unit where approximately 7,000 babies are born every year.. In addition to a 22 bed labour ward, there are three postnatal wards and one antenatal ward, an admission Triage area and a High Dependency Unit.
Other visitors will have to pay for parking either in the Jessop Wing (open 24 hours) or Hallamshire Hospital (open weekdays 6.30 am to 10.30 pm) so please bring plenty of change.
Jessop Wing. There are several ways to contact us depending on the information that you require. If you know the Ward which you want to call simply call 226 9696 and then state the name of the Ward when prompted. Main Switchboard - 0114 2434343 Patient Services Team 0114 2712400 (For concerns and compliments) Address. Jessop Wing Tree Root Walk ...
Sep 14, 2006 · Jessops Wing - Visiting hours? New Topics. Topics; Sheffield Peregrines 2021. Started 2 hours ago. Looking For A Skipper. Started 4 hours ago. A Year In Lockdown. 2021. Started 6 hours ago. R,I,P. Frank Worthington. Started 8 hours ago. Magic Mike The Arena Tour: Sheffield Arena: 19 May 2022. Started 10 hours …
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