We collected information about Jeffrey Sarris Home Improvement Corp Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Jeffrey Sarris Home Improvement Corp Hours.
Nov 15, 1996 · Bethesda Home Improvement Corporation is a Maryland Domestic Corporation filed On November 15, 1996. The company's filing status is listed as Forfeited and its File Number is D04543690. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Jeffrey Sarris and is located at 5608 Roosevelt St, Bethesda, MD 20817.Location: MD
Free and open company data on Maryland (US) company HOME IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION (company number D03081890), 5608 ROOSEVELT STREET BETHESDA MD 20817
Jeffrey Sarris, a Bethesda, Maryland contractor will spend 366 days at ClubFed. Mr. Sarris owned Bethesda Home Improvement Corporation. Instead of showing his revenues on his income statement he cashed the checks at a restaurant, put the proceeds in a safe deposit box, and paid his contractors and employees using cash. What could go wrong? Mr.
Mp Home Improvement Corporation is a Massachusetts Domestic Profit Corporation filed On February 5, 2021. The company's File Number is listed as 001486035. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Marvin E. Polanco DE LA Rosa and is located at …Location: MA
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