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JAX Ames Outdoor Gear. 4723 West Lincoln Way. Ames, IA 50014. +15152922276. Closed Opens Monday at 9am.
May 20, 2021 · Opening Hours. Mon: 9am-8pm; Tue: 9am-8pm; Wed: 9am-8pm; Thu: 9am-8pm; Fri: 9am-8pm; Sat: 9am-6pm; Sun: 10am-6pm; Payment. MasterCard; Visa4/5(14)
JAX Outdoor Gear offers a wide range of outdoor gear, clothing and footwear from its stores n Fort Collins, Colo., and Ames, Iowa. The outdoor gear provides a wide range of equipment for a variety of activities, including archery, boating, camping and food preparation items, climbing, fishing, hunting, winter sports, and travel.Mon - Sat: 9:00 am-8:00 pm
Ames, IA. 38. 128. 326. 12/30/2019. I really enjoy going to Jax because there is always something new and the staff are great. Prices are a bit expensive, but the quality is amazing so worth the cost. They have an amazing show selection!!! Go here, support our local businesses!!!4/5(14)
Sun Runner Cap $38.00. Bug Bucket $35.00. Women's Canvas Cap $16.99. Men's Short Sleeve Loose Fit Heavy Weight Block Graphic T-Shirt $19.99 to $24.99. Men's Strata Arrow Silicone Ring $39.99. Women's Oasis Sun Sombrero $42.00. Women's Round Up Square Toe Western Boot $150.00. JAX Locations. Outdoor Gear.
JAX Outdoor Gear also offers Athletic, Casual, Hiking, Hunting and Work footwear. Extra Phones. Phone: 515-292-3166. Phone: 515-817-5045. Fax: 515-292-4540. TollFree: 800-336-8314. HoursMon - Sat: 9:00 am-8:00 pm
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