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Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for James A. Grieco, DDS at 11051 S Fairfield Ave, Chicago, IL 60655. Search for other Dentists in Chicago on The Real Yellow Pages®. Browse
1 review of Grieco James A DDS PC "I had an appointment with this dentist almost two weeks ago. I was very excited because as I had explained to him my last dentist was a nightmare and I had just lost a filling and broke a tooth and needed dental work right away. Strangely the dentist was a no show for the appointment. I waited an hour and fifteen minutes past the appointed time.11 Yelp reviews
DR. JAMES A GRIECO DDS, a Medical Group Practice located in Chicago, IL
Dr. James Grieco, DDS is a Dentistry Practitioner in Chicago, IL. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Grieco to book an appointment.
This organization is not BBB accredited. Dentist in Chicago, IL. See BBB rating, reviews, complaints, & more.
James A Grieco, DDS - Pediatric (Childrens Dentist) in Andover, MA. James A Grieco is a Pediatric (Childrens Dentist) (Pediatric Dentistry dentist) practicing in Andover, Massachusetts. This dentist is listed on Dentist Network with a medical license speciality in Pediatric Dentistry.
Dr. James A. Grieco DDS (he/him) is a dentist in Chicago, IL. He has received an overall patient experience rating of 1.2 out of 5. For new and existing patients, please see recommendations on how to schedule an appointment with Dr. Grieco online. As a dentist, he may specialize in Stained Teeth and Invisalign, in addition to other conditions.
Dr. James Grieco, DMD is a Pediatric Dentistry Practitioner in Marlborough, MA. He is affiliated with medical facilities Beverly Hospital and Lowell General Hospital. He is accepting new patients. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Grieco to book an appointment.
For professional cosmetic and family dentistry, head to Chicago's Grieco James A DDS PC. With so many great services, this dental clinic can even help your smile with check-ups. Guests should be aware that the services at this dental clinic are only available by appointment. So don't keep putting up with your tooth pain and book your appointment at Grieco James A DDS PC today.
Dr James A Grieco, DDS is a Dentist - General Practice based in Chicago, Illinois. Dr James A Grieco is licensed to practice in Illinois (license number ) and his current practice location is 11051 S Fairfield Ave, Chicago, Illinois.He can be reached at his office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (773) 445-9545. NPI number for Dr James A Grieco is 1407914807 and his current mailing address ...
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