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The International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) has proudly participated in the Job Corps Training Program for over 45 years. The IUOE contracts with the U.S. Department of Labor to provide career technical training to over 380 students annually at 10 Job Corps centers across the nation.
The National Training Fund also participates in the Job Corps program, a training program for young people, age 16 - 24. IUOE has training agreements with the U.S. Departments of Labor and Agriculture to administer and operate pre-apprenticeship training programs at various Job Corps training centers throughout the U.S.
Courses at the IUOE Local 181 training site in Kentucky include John Henry rock drilling, sideboom, angle dozer, and excavator training for slope work or rough terrain. The class schedule runs 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. The program utilizes state of the art classrooms for 2 hours in the morning, followed by 8 hours of hands-on field training.
The Operating Engineers Certification Program (OECP) is designed to provide members of the International Union of Operating Engineers a means to obtain a valid and reliable certification that accurately assesses their competence in crane operations, thereby directly promoting a safer jobsite environment for the worker, the public, and the industry.
Mar 05, 2021 · Welcome to the registration and training schedule page for the International Training & Education Center (ITEC), the largest and most comprehensive training facility for union Operating and Stationary Engineers in North America. Course descriptions and the schedule of classes offered at the ITEC can be found here. Course Name. Program. Start date.
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