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InterVarsity Press PO Box 1400 Downers Grove, IL 60515. Packages. InterVarsity Press 430 Plaza Dr Westmont, IL 60559. Contact an Author. To protect the privacy of our authors, we do not make available their home mailing addresses, email addresses, or telephone numbers.
Books and other resources from InterVarsity Press, a publisher of thoughtful Christian books dedicated to serving the university, the church, and the world.
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Since 1947, InterVarsity Press (IVP) has been publishing thoughtful Christian books that shape both the lives of readers and the cultures they inhabit. Throughout these seventy-five years, our books and authors have established a legacy of speaking boldly into important cultural moments, providing timeless tools for spiritual growth, and equipping Christians for a vibrant life of faith.
InterVarsity Press is located in Westmont, Ill., and provides reading materials in the areas of biblical study, theology, philosophy, science and psychology. It also offers study guides, multimedia curriculum and foundational resources for churches. InterVarsity Press additionally has a collection of essays and articles on several spiritual topics.
Inter-Varsity Press, London, United Kingdom. 2,673 likes · 24 talking about this. We want to provide you with great Christian books that will encourage and equip you in your walk with God. You can...5/5(32)
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