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Find opening times and closing times for Inga Ellzey Practice Group in 1211 Fl-436 #141, Casselberry, FL, 32707 and other contact details such as address, phone number, website, interactive direction map and nearby locations.
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Inga Ellzey Practice Group at 1211 State Road 436, Casselberry, FL 32707. Search for other Billing Service in Casselberry on The Real Yellow Pages®.Location: 1211 State Road 436, Casselberry, 32707, FL
Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Inga Ellzey Practice Group at 1211 State Road 436, Casselberry, FL 32707. Search for other Billing Service in Casselberry on The Real Yellow Pages®.Location: 1211 State Road 436, Casselberry, 32707, FL
Inga Ellzey Practice Group - Dermatology Coding Course - Certified Dermatology Coder certification in as little as 4 months. Dermatology Coding Reference Manual.
About IEPGThe Inga Ellzey Practice Group is the only national consulting organization in the United States specializing in dermatology. Since we deal only with dermatologists and their practices, we pride ourselves in providing unparalleled advice, support and services in this specialty.The Inga Ellzey Practice Group is located in Casselberry, Florida, a suburb of Orlando, Florida.
About IEPGThe Inga Ellzey Practice Group is the only national consulting organization in the United States specializing in dermatology. Since we deal only with dermatologists and their practices, we pride ourselves in providing unparalleled advice, support and services in this specialty.The Inga Ellzey Practice Group is located in Casselberry, Florida, a suburb of Orlando, Florida.
more About IEPGThe Inga Ellzey Practice Group is the only national consulting organization in the United States specializing in dermatology. Since we deal only with dermatologists and their practices, we pride ourselves in providing unparalleled advice, support and services in this specialty.The Inga Ellzey Practice Group is located in Casselberry, Florida, a suburb of Orlando, Florida.Category: Doctor & Clinic
The Inga Ellzey Practice Group, Inc., founded in 1978, is part of the Ellzey Group, LLC, a family of companies that are intimately involved in making dermatology practices more profitable. We are the dermatology experts in insurance coding, educational resources, compliance, reimbursement, medical record documentation, insurance audits, and practice management.
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