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The Consumer Electronics Recycling Act establishes a statewide system for recycling and/or reusing a set of electronic devices that are unwanted by Illinois residents. The electronics manufacturers are required to participate in the management of these devices. Devices Covered Under Program. Computers and Small-Scale Servers; Computer Monitors
Contact eWorks Electronic Services Inc. at 217-364-7543. 2. Curbside Electronic Recycling Collection. To have your electronics collected at the curb on your garbage day, you must call Lakeshore Recycling Systems at 773-685-8811 at least one day before your garbage day.
Normal Public Works Facility - Electronics Recycling building is after the main Public Works Facility, on the left. Follow the yellow signs. 1301 Warriner Street. Normal, IL 61761. Other sites in the Bloomington-Normal area offer electronics recycling, which may result in reuse of workable items or cash/store credit for limited items.
Electronics are accepted for recycling at the City of Naperville’s Environmental Collection Campus, 156 Fort Hill Drive, on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Residents are required to stay in their vehicle while staff unload the items for recycling.
Click here for the Residental Electronics Recycling Program (April 1 thru December 30) Dispose of your household chemicals responsibly and recycle your old computers by dropping them off at the City’s permanent Household Chemicals & Computer Recycling Facility at 1150 N. North Branch Street (two blocks east of the Kennedy Expressway at Division Street).
DO NOT DROP OFF AT GATE AFTER HOURS. There will be no one available to help you unload. Assume if you needed help loading, you will need help unloading. Thank you. Location. Lee County Highway Department/Solid Waste 1629 Lee Center Road Amboy, IL 61310. More Details. View the Lee County Electronics Recycling Program (PDF) for further ...
Pick up Service: Available for a fee, please call 847-397-2900 to schedule pick up. COM2 . Carol Stream: 500 Kehoe Blvd., Carol Stream, IL 60188. Contact: 630-345-0272. . Hours: M-F 9am-3:30pm . Accepts: all electronics, TVs have a cost - drop off and pick up services available. Elgin Recycling.
Collection dates, typically Saturdays, are announced via the City's community calendar or on the City's Facebook page. Residents can also call 630-256-4636 to check for upcoming recycling events. Electronics collection events are limited to City of Aurora residents only, and are reserved for electronics used in residences.
Electronics Recycling. The Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO) provides an electronics collection bin at the Grayslake Public Works facility. Open hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and Saturday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Accepted Items Include:
Listed below are the available Year-Round Residential Electronics Recycling Drop Off Locations within Lake County. This program is free of charge to Lake County residents during the posted hours of operation, appointments are not required. A limit of up to seven electronic items may be dropped off per visit.
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