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IGA in Subiaco. 159 Onslow Road, Subiaco, Perth , 06008. Directions to IGA - Subiaco (159 Onslow Road) iga.com.au/. 08 9382 4539.
Opening hours, telephone and address of IGA - Subiaco (159 Onslow Road) iga.com.au/. 159 Onslow Road, Subiaco , 06008. Directions to IGA - Subiaco (159 Onslow Road) - Show map. 08 9382 4539.
IGA is easily reached at 159 Onslow Road, approximately a 0.7 km distance east from the centre of Shenton Park (not far from Rosalie Primary School and Rosalie Park).This store is situated in a convenient location for people from Shenton Park Town Centre, Floreat, Nedlands, Daglish, Jolimont, Crawley, Karrakatta and Subiaco.Location: 159 Onslow Road, Shenton Park, 6008
IGA SUPA is found in a good place at 320 Cambridge Street, about a 0.5 km distance south of the centre of Wembley (nearby Wembley Primary School and Rutter Park).The store looks forward to serving the patrons of Subiaco, Jolimont, Wembley Town Centre, Shenton Park, Herdsman, Floreat, West Leederville and Daglish. 8:00 am to 9:00 pm are its working times today (Wednesday).
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