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Hospice Of The Midwest provided an average of 0.22 hours per day of home health, 0.34 hours per day of Skilled Nursing, 0.07 hours per day of Social Service hospice care. Beneficiaries by Gender Hospice Of The Midwest rendered hospice services to 14 Male and 17 Female Medicare beneficiaries in a calendar year.Accreditation: Community Health Accreditation Partner (CHAP)
ACCESSIBILITY We are proud to be a Minnesota hospice provider serving patients in Murray County, Lyon County, Nobles County, Pipestone County, Lincoln County, Rock County, and Redwood County. CONVENIENCE We provide hospice services to our patients in the comfort and security of their own home, in their nursing home or assisted living facility ...
Healtheast Hospice provided an average of 0.23 hours per day of home health, 0.28 hours per day of Skilled Nursing, 0.05 hours per day of Social Service hospice care. Average Hospice Care Days Healtheast Hospice have 236 Medicare beneficiaries with 7 or fewer hospice care days, 341 Medicare beneficiaries with more than 60 hospice care days, 135 Medicare beneficiaries with more than 180 hospice care days.Hospice ID (CCN): 241504
Prairie Home Hospice provided an average of 0.16 hours per day of home health, 0.18 hours per day of Skilled Nursing, 0.07 hours per day of Social Service hospice care. Average Hospice Care Days Prairie Home Hospice have 13 Medicare beneficiaries with 7 or fewer hospice care days, 35 Medicare beneficiaries with more than 60 hospice care days, 16 Medicare beneficiaries with more than 180 hospice care days.Accreditation: UnAccredited
About Minnesota Hospice Minnesota Hospice was founded by local physicians committed to improving the model of hospice care in their community. We are an independent, local organization of dedicated and experienced professionals specializing in end-of-life care. We understand the decision to begin hospice defines how you live the final chapter of life. Our priority is... Read the full article »
Moments Hospice is a Medicare Certified Hospice Agency serving 53 Counties in Minnesota, 69 Counties in Wisconsin and the Des Moines, IA metro area. We are focused on creating individual plans of care, because every patient and family is unique. Moments Hospice is committed to honoring patient’s and family’s wishes during the end of life ...
Our Lady Of Peace Hospice, also known as Highland Block Nurse Program is a hospice care center situated at Saint Paul, Minnesota.This palliative care is medicare certified, hence if you are covered by medicare, medicare will pay the hospice for your care.Our Lady Of Peace Hospice accommodated approx. 441 Medicare beneficiaries whose average age was 80 years in CY2016.Hospice ID (CCN): 241573
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