We collected information about Hilliard Granite Inc Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Hilliard Granite Inc Hours.
Hilliard Granite Inc is located at 2056 Norborne Dr, Lexington, KY 40502. Hilliard Granite Inc can be contacted at (859) 266-3998. Get Hilliard Granite Inc reviews, ratings, business hours, phone numbers, and directions.Location: 2056 Norborne Dr, Lexington, 40502, KY
Hilliard Granite, Inc. PO Box 12183. Lexington, KY 40581. Contact Information. PO Box 12183. Lexington, KY 40581. BBB Rating & Accreditation. This business is not BBB Accredited NR.
HILLIARD GRANITE, INC. Company Number 0216607 Status I Inactive Incorporation Date 24 June 1986 (almost 35 years ago) Company Type Kentucky Corporation Jurisdiction Kentucky (US) Previous Names. OGDEN H. HILLIARD HOMES, INC. Alternative Names. HILLIARD HOMES, INC. (trading name) Agent Name WILLIAM R. HILLIARD, JR Agent Address 201 W. SHORT ST ...
Perrotta's Marble Shop, Inc. opening hours. Verified Listing. Updated on July 18, 2021. +1 614-876-7921
Specialties: Family owned and operated for 4 generations. Perrotta's Marble Shop Inc. is who to see for all marble and granite stone countertops and more. Our locally owned and operated company offers fast, friendly dependable service to all contractors and homeowners in the state of Ohio, and we have been doing so for more than 80 years.2 Yelp reviews
Granite’s “Vision and Values” video has been named Best General non-Broadcast in the 42nd Annual Telly Awards. The Telly Awards honors excellence in video and television across all screens and is judged by leaders from video platforms, television, streaming networks, and production companies including Netflix, Dow Jones, Duplass Brothers Productions, Complex Networks, A&E Networks ...
We have the largest single warehouse in Central Ohio, and carry over 6,500 different slabs of granite, quartzite, dolomite, marble, soapstone, quartz, and porcelain. The “ START at STONE MART ” Process
Our Design Centers and Indoor Slab Showrooms feature hundreds of dazzling surface options for residential and commercial applications that, once selected, are administered through your industry professional. Mont supplies over 400 unique surface varieties in Porcelain Panels, Porcelain Slabs, Natural Stone (granite, marble, onyx, soapstone ...
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