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Question 394824: Hector earns $24 for 3 hours of work, while Myrna earns $17 for 2 hours. We would say Myrna's rate is a _____ _____. Answer by edjones(8007) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website! 24/3=8 17/2=8.50 We would say Myrna's rate is a 50 cents greater than Hector's. ...
1. Hector earns $24 dollars for every 3 hours. Of work => Myrna earns $17 dollars for every 2 hours of work. Let’s solve for both rates per hour. =>…
1. Hector earns $24 dollars for every 3 hours. Of work => Myrna earns $17 dollars for every 2 hours of work. Let’s solve for both rates per hour. => HECTOR => 24 dollars for 3 hours Simpl divide 24 by 3 to get the hourly rate => 24 / 3 = 8 => 8 dollars / hr => MYRNA => 17 dollars for 2 hour Divide 17 / 2 to get the rate of Myrna per hour
Find an answer to your question Hector earns $24 for three hours of work while Myrna earn $17 for two hours we would say Myrna's rate is a Brainly User Brainly User 12/16/2015
Oct 24, 2014 · Hector earns $24 for 3 hours of work while Myrna's earns $17 for 2 hours . We would say Myrna's rate is a? Wiki User. ∙ 2014-10-24 01:14:17. Your Answer.
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