Harvard Dorm Crew Hours

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Hours & Location Dorm Crew - Harvard University

    The Dorm Crew Office is located in Weld Hall Basement. Dorm Crew also operates an annex office in Hurlbut Basement (term-time only). Hours vary over breaks and during the summer. Dorm Crew OfficeWeld Hall BasementMonday-Friday: 9:00am-5:30pmSaturday & Sunday: 12:00pm-5:00pm

Dorm Crew - Harvard University

    Dorm Crew: A Harvard Tradition Since 1951. Term-Time Jobs. Term-time jobs offer great pay, flexible hours, and opportunities for advancement! First-Year Services. Dorm Crew provides a variety of services exclusively to Harvard first-year students.

Contact Dorm Crew - Harvard University

    Please feel free to contact Dorm Crew with any inquiries*. You may call or visit the Dorm Crew Office during normal business hours, send an email, or submit an inquiry online using the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions Dorm Crew

    All student employees hired by Dorm Crew and the Harvard Alumni Association for Spring Clean-Up & Reunions positions must commit to the following scheduling requirements: If you plan to work during the first week, you are required to work every weekday (Monday through Friday) from 8:00am to 5:00pm with an hour lunch break from 12:00pm to 1:00pm (May 18-May 22)

Hiring Paperwork & Tax Information Dorm Crew

    Obtain a letter from Dorm Crew confirming your job offer. You can get this letter from the Dorm Crew office during regular business hours. Bring the Dorm Crew letter to the Harvard International Office located in the Smith Campus Center, room 864. The International Office will also give you a separate Social Security letter

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