Harbourfront Skating Rink Hours

We collected information about Harbourfront Skating Rink Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Harbourfront Skating Rink Hours.

Harbourfront Centre - Harbourfront Centre Rink

    Harbourfront Centre’s rink has for many years delighted and pleased skaters of all talents. Free public skating has been provided for decades, creating a safe space open to all. The Learn to Skate program has produced thousands of young skaters, many of whom have grown up in the downtown core.

Harbourfront Centre - Natrel Rink

    Harbourfront Centre’s rink has for many years delighted and pleased skaters of all talents. Free public skating has been provided for decades, creating a safe space open to all. The Learn to Skate program has produced thousands of young skaters, many of whom have grown up in the downtown core.

Harbourfront Centre - Hours of Operation

    Harbourfront Centre continues to monitor the rapidly changing situation regarding the COVID-19 virus. For the health and safety of all of our staff and our volunteers, our patrons, supporters and the community, and in line with the advice and guidelines of Toronto Public Health, our doors are closed to the public until further notice. EXCEPTIONS ARE LISTED BELOW.

Skating - Harbourfront Centre - Harbourfront Centre

    Ice Skating on the Natrel Rink. Everyone:FREE. Tucked away behind York Quay Centre and set against the beautiful shore of Lake Ontario, the city's most scenic rink awaits. The Natrel® Rink has been an unparalleled skating destination in Toronto for 30 years. It has a …

Harbourfront Centre - Skating

    No need to fret – we offer affordable rentals in our Skate Change Room, located beside the Natrel Rink. Please note that public skating may be interrupted due to weather conditions or rink maintenance. Please call the Natrel Rink Hotline at 416 954 9866 to confirm rink conditions before you visit. YouTube. Harbourfront Centre. 1.54K subscribers.

Harbourfront Centre - Skating

    A unique tasting experience at Harbourfront Centre. At one of Canada's most dynamic cultural organizations. Take transit, walk, bike, drive or visit us by boat. If it captured our heart or eye, we just had to have it for you. Canada's leading public gallery of contemporary visual art.

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