Harborside Elementary School Hours

We collected information about Harborside Elementary School Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Harborside Elementary School Hours.

2021-22 Hours of the School Day for Students

    Aug 27, 2021 · Kenosha Unified School District 2021-22 Hours of the School Day for Students September 1, 2021 - June 8, 2022 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS NO SCHOOL DAYS: Professional Learning/Teacher Workdays:File Size: 49KB

School Info - Harborside Elementary School

    Visitor Management. Electronic Flyers. Arts Revival is Boosted by New Funding Formula. Technology Initiative: Ensure Every Student in Grades 3-6 Has Own Tech Device. Opt-In to Receive Text Alerts from the School and/or District. Harborside is Ready to Say NO To Drugs! California School Parent Survey.

Harborside - Chula Vista Elementary School District

    681 Naples Street Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: 619-422-8369 Map Location

Harborside Academy - Kenosha Unified School District

    34 rows · Please click here to go to the Harborside Registration page and complete all necessary …

Home - Harborside Elementary School

    Welcome to Harborside Elementary! Our mission is to ensure that ALL Harborside students receive a rigorous, high quality instruction in a collaborative learning environment where there is an emphasis on academics as well as social/ emotional learning. We want to ensure that all students develop the confidence and necessary skills to be ...


    3 reviews of Harborside Elementary School "Harborside is a nice school. The staff is.sincere and the teachers are awesome. California top school. High reading levels. Thank yu mr watson for helping my natalia become a successful reader and not just that but enjoy reading. Enrolled my son into preschool this year and the vibe the teacher throws at the kids is magic.3 Yelp reviews

Harbourside Elementary - Google Search

    Jessica Levangie, Parent Navigator for the CBVRCE can help guide and connect you with the most appropriate services and resources to help address your questions. Jessica can connect with you through email, phone or in person in a comfortable setting in your community! For further information contact: Jessica Levangie. (902) 217-5718.

Programs - Harborside Elementary School

    Vanessa Cass, STRETCH Supervisor (619) 730- 8039 [email protected]. The Chula Vista Elementary School District takes part in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. Meals are served every school day. Students, including Kindergartners, may …

Voters will be assigned to a polling place from the list ...

    25 harborside elementary school 681 naples st: chula vista 91911: 26 otay rec center 3554 main st: chula vista 91911: 27 veterans park community center 785 e palomar st: chula vista 91911: 28 bonita vista high school 751 otay lakes rd: chula vista 91913: 29 heritage rec center 1381 e palomar st:

Harborside Elementary - School Directory Details (CA …

    School: Harborside Elementary CDS Code: 37 68023 6037873 School Address: 681 Naples St. Chula Vista, CA 91911-1619 . Google Map Link opens new browser tab. Mailing Address: 681 Naples St. Chula Vista, CA 91911-1619 Phone Number (619) 422-8369 Fax Number (619) 422-7361 ...CDS Code: 37 68023 6037873

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